Course Outlines CRP Church Partnership Capacity Building Training
Restorative Justice: The 2-day training in Restorative Practices is offered through the Restorative Justice Branch, within the Social Justice Division of the Ministry of Justice. This training exposes participants to the practice of fair process which uses 3Es….engagement, explanation & expectation clarity. These are used to ensure that persons are involved in decision making and they have an understanding as to what is expected of them and where needed clarity is provided. There is also an exploration of the Social Window Discipline and Leadership styles to allow persons to examine how they lead and enforce discipline. At the end of two days of training, beneficiaries should be better equipped on how to engage in healthy dialogue in promoting of creating and maintaining positive relationships.
Monitoring & Evaluation: The content covered under this component is an introduction into what is Monitoring and evaluation, understanding the theory of change (cause and effect), and how to develop a basic M&E framework or log frame to track measure the success and track the progress of interventions implemented.
Community Engagement: The 2-day Training in Community Engagement is aimed at building the capacity of entities to engage effectively within the community spaces. Training Components include: Identification and selection of youth at risk youth, Recruitment- looking at recruitment techniques that best work for at-risk youth, Behavioural Characteristics of medium and high-risk youth, Referral Services (different agencies, when and how to refer) and Career guidance, identification, and readiness for the youth- How to offer career counselling. Click here for more.
Sustainable Development Goals: The training will focus on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the sustainable development goals as a framework for development planning. Using faith-based organisations as the frame of reference, key concepts will be explored to impact on advocacy, service delivery, and project planning; these include leaving no one behind and SDG acceleration. Upon completion, participants should be able to identify how their work fits into the development framework, recognise the importance of data collection in their work programmes apply the concepts in planning and advocacy.
Vison 2030: The Vision 2030 Jamaica Secretariat, through its Localization Programme, will collaborate with the Community Renewal Programme (CRP) to engage the church as a key contributor to Jamaica’s development in a capacity building training. During this training, approximately one hundred participants will learn about Vision 2030 Jamaica and the crucial role the church plays in national development. Additionally, the Secretariat will equip participants with guidelines on how to align their various church programmes and projects with Vision 2030 Jamaica and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Proposal Writing: To come
Parenting Training: To come