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Government of Jamaica


Improving Climate Data & Information Management Project (ICDIMP)

The improving Climate Data & Information Management Project (ICDIMP) started in November 2015.  The project is funded by the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) through the World Bank funds in the amount of US$6.8 million.  The ICDIMP is just one of a suite of projects being implemented under the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience from the CIF.

The objective of the ICDIMP is to improve the quality and use of climate related data for effective planning and action at the local and national levels. A wide range of benefits can therefore be attributed to upgrading hydro-met systems and improving dissemination of information about meteorological conditions and hazards. Specifically, these benefits are associated with improved forecasts of extreme meteorological events such as hurricanes, storms, floods, and droughts, as well as improved forecasts of routine weather and climate conditions.


Highlights of the project to date: 

  • Installation of 35 Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) by the Meteorological Service Jamaica (MSJ) 
  • Installation of a sea level tide gauge at the Montego Bay Pier
  • Development of Real Time Data Hydro-Met System by the Water Resources Authority (WRA) (31 intensity rain gauges and water level sensors)
  • Utilization of modern water monitoring equipment procured by the WRA for effective data collection including: surface water velocity radars and CTD divers for ground water monitoring
  • Production of the 2015 State of Jamaica Climate Report 
  • Installation and commissioning of standby generators for the MSJ and WRA
  • Installation of 12 Soil Moisture Probes
  • Establishment of a Water-monitoring Situation Room at the WRA
  • Improvement of WRA technical capacity to monitor and operate hydro-met system due to training received from Stevens Water Monitoring Inc.
  • Improvement in technical capacity of MSJ to set up, install, and maintain AWS as a result of training by advisory services consultant
  • Hiring of Public Education Officer to be stationed at the Climate Change Division (CCD) 
  • Launching of Behaviour Change and Public Education Campaign.