Jam Data is an electronic database of indicators developed under the Data4Development Initiative. This initiative seeks to give all citizens access to national and sub-national data across various sectors, with Jam Data being the primary data storage medium.
The Data4Development platform will streamline evidence-based decision-making by putting data into the hands of those who will use it. With innovative and data-driven visualizations, the integrated Data4Development platform allows everyone to become more engaged in planning, monitoring and reporting in Jamaica. The platform aims at establishing a data culture in Jamaica by promoting evidence-based planning.
Policy planners will be able to assess the progress of Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan through interactive and data-driven visualization. The database, organized by sectors, themes and goals, allows users ease of access to the indicators in the database. The system facilitates the sharing of data using a variety of social media platforms.
Jam Data indicators can only be accessed via mobile devices at this time. Users and stakeholders are encouraged to download and install the Jam Data mobile application from the:
- Google Play Store for Android devices
- Apple App Store for Apple devices
Planning Institute of Jamaica
16 Oxford Road, Kingston 5
Jamaica W.I.
Telephone: (876) 960-9339
Email: info@pioj.gov.jm