Policies & Plans
National Policy on Poverty and and the Poverty Reduction Programme

The National Policy on Poverty and National Poverty Reduction Programme (NPP/NPRP) was approved by Cabinet and tabled in Parliament in September 2017. The NPRP was launched in March 2018 and the implementation of the first medium-term cycle (2018-2021) commenced April 1, 2018. The coordination of the programme is managed by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) through the Poverty Reduction Coordinating Unit (PRCU).
Objective of the National Poverty Reduction Programme (NPRP)
The NPRP supports the National Policy on Poverty and is expected to contribute directly to the policy goals of eradicating extreme (food) poverty by 2022 and reducing the national poverty prevalence to less than 10 per cent by 2030. The NPRP provides a coordinated and systematic approach to poverty reduction programming by reducing duplication while addressing gaps in coverage; improving monitoring, evaluation and accountability; and strengthening partnerships.
Highlights of the programme to date:
- The convening of the institutional mechanism, the National Poverty Reduction Programme Committee (NPRPC) to oversee the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NPRP.
- Identification and monitoring of priority actions under the first medium-term programme, in keeping with the strategic areas of the NPRP: Addressing Extreme Poverty and Basic Needs; Economic Empowerment and Human Capital Development; Psychosocial, Cultural and Normative Advancement; Basic Community Infrastructure and Institutional Strengthening.
- Interrogating key poverty reduction issues to support implementation of key strategic interventions through partnership and collaboration.