Policies & Plans
Sustainable Development Goals
Implementation of the SDGs has been integrated into Vision 2030 Jamaica, the national development plan which covers the period 2009 to 2030. The plan presents a strategic road map for Jamaica to achieve developed country status by 2030; it is now in its 10th year of implementation. Vision 2030 Jamaica is grounded in the premise that national development will be sustainable and inclusive, engaging all Jamaicans in the planning, designing and implementation processes and providing equitable opportunities for all Jamaicans to benefit.
Ownership of the 2030 Agenda began as early as 2014 with national and sector-specific consultations with all stakeholders and major groups geared towards highlighting the country’s development priorities within this new framework. Localization of the SDGs has been undertaken within the ambit of Vision 2030 Jamaica, which has facilitated a seamless integration of the agreed outcomes and targets. A 91.3 per cent alignment between Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs exemplifies national ownership. A further demonstration of Jamaica’s commitment was evidenced by the formulation of a Roadmap for SDGs Implementation, approved by the Cabinet in June 2017.
As Jamaica seeks to accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda, particular focus will be placed on the following:
- Full and effective implementation of national priorities outlined in the MTF 2018–2021 to address the challenges — social, economic, environment and Governance
- Strengthening the National Statistics System
- Improving the monitoring and evaluation framework
- Exploring and identifying mechanisms and strategies for financing the implementation of the SDGs within the context of the current fiscal constraints
- Improving policy coherence and building capacity in the area of policy integration to strengthen capacity of national policy makers to use goal-oriented, evidence based, and participatory frameworks to formulate, implement and review integrated policies and strategies for sustainable development.
- Ongoing SDGs Communication and public engagement.
Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals.