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Government of Jamaica

8:30 am |

2024 Symposium of Best Practices for Social and Community Development

The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, 81 Knutsford Blvd, Kingston

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Scroll down for the Tools for Development

9AM – 10AM Opening Ceremony

Remarks by partners and Keynote address by Dr Herbert Gayle

10AM – 11AM  Let’s Talk Tools 
Ms Adenike Stephenson
Regional Case Management Coordinator, Crime Prevention and Community Safety Branch, Ministry of National Security (MNS)
Ms Kellie-Ann Murray
Economic Specialist, Growth Inducement Programme, PIOJ
Mr Charles Clayton
Programme Director, CRP, PIOJ

11AM Safe Passage to School: Review of the International Evidence
Dr Chloe Fevre
Former Coordinator, World Bank Safe & Inclusive Schools Platform
Ms Mona Sue-Ho
Senior Manager, Social Development, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF)

12PM Football with Heart: Goals that Solve the World’s Problems
Ms Andrea Chaustre
Director of Impact & Pedagogy, Futbol con Coraz6n (FCC) International
Mr Carlos Perez Castro
Executive Director, Futbol con Coraz6n (FCC) Colombia

2PM Managing Violence in Jamaican Schools using
Cognitive Behavioural Play Therapy
Dr Claudette Crawford Brown, OD
Director, Institute for Caribbean Children & Families

2:45PM Enhancing Community Safety Through the Tool of Environmental Design
Sergeant of Police Mr Winston Harris, 

Assistant Coordinator, National Neighbourhood Watch Unit 


Tools for Development

Planning Institute of Jamaica

  1. Community Renewal Programme Community Renewal Index
  2. Vision 2030 Jamaica Data 4 Development Online Monitoring Platform
  3. Growth Inducement Programme Inclusive Growth Index Framework
  4. Poverty Reduction Coordination Unit Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) Toolkit
  5. SDG Story Map

Jamaica Social Investment Fund

  1. Community Based Contracting (CBC) Methodology including CBO Capacity Assessment Checklist
  2. Social Review Checklist
  3. Safe Passages to Schools 

Ministry of National Security

  1. Case Management

Pan American Development Foundation

  1. Second Generation Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Methodology

Social Development Commission

  1. Integrated Community Development Strategy
  2. Stakeholder Analysis Matrix
  3. The Local Economic Development Support Programme (LEDSP)
  4. Community Maps
  5. Community Plans
  6. Community Priority Plans
  7. Pairwise Ranking Matrix
  8. Problem Tree
  9. Roti Diagram
  10. Asset Mapping
  11. Poverty/Wealth Assessment
  12. Timeline

Caribbean Development Bank

  1. Community Engagement Survey
  2. Community Profile and Livelihood  Baseline Assessment
  3. Basic Needs Trust Fund Beneficiary Assessment and Capacity Development Plan
  4. Community Risk Maps and Risk Profiles