Government of Jamaica PIMS Project Selection Criteria
Government of Jamaica PIMS Project Selection Criteria – IMF Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF)
The Cabinet has approved the development and publishing of the Public Investment Management System (PIMS) Project Selection Criteria (Selection Criteria), including climate change considerations, for prioritising projects for inclusion into the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP).
Specifically, the Selection Criteria is to assist the Public Investment Management Committee (PIMC) in the systematic ranking/prioritization of appraised public investment projects to facilitate the most effective allocation of limited resources available for public investment. The Criteria incorporates relevant domains of financial, economic, legal, social, technical, environmental and policy conditions; as well as considerations of climate change and is geared towards advancing the Government of Jamaica’s (GOJ’s) resilience agenda. The Criteria incudes six sub-criteria namely:
1. Alignment with the National Development Plan and medium-term priorities
2. Technical Concurrence
3. Financial Feasibility
4. Economic Feasibility
5. Social Impact
6. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Resilience
Each criterion is defined and weighted. READ MORE