Launch of YWOP/YMOP Women’s Entrepreneurship Project
Launch of YWOP/YMOP Women’s Entrepreneurship Project
February 29, 2024
The Planning Institute of Jamaica is happy to once again partner with and support the Young Women/Young Men of Purpose (YWOP/YMOP), this time at the launch and implementation of its Realize, Embrace, Achieve, your Purpose (R.E.A.P.) Women Entrepreneurship Project 2024. The PIOJ provides the Vision 2030 National Development Plan with four Goals and 15 National Outcomes; which are implemented through a Medium-Term Socio-Economic Framework. This lays out the Strategic National Priorities of Government over consecutive four-year periods. The medium-term performance is based on the extent to which the expected policy-driven results from strategic programming and implementation are achieved. Partners in development such as the private sector and NGO contribute to the achievement of the medium-term targets by aligning their planning to the strategies and programmes of Government.
Of the 15 National Outcomes, Outcome #8 speaks about “An Enabling Business Environment”, with seven National Strategies that are key to achieving same. One such strategy is to develop the capabilities of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSME).
Within this context, today we see a good demonstration of a partnering entity, an NGO, invested in the development of the MSME sector, with the launch of the R.E.A.P Women Entrepreneurship Project, so designed to build the capabilities of 30 young entrepreneurs, through business management training, business coaching, mentoring and acquisition of equipment and tools needed to start or grow their businesses. In this regard, we are proud of and must applaud the Management of YWOP/YMOP for paying attention to the Government’s priorities and designing and implementing a project in alignment with the National Strategy for MSME growth and development.
Additionally, from a community development perspective, the PIOJ though its Community Renewal Programme, in keeping with its Strategic Implementation Framework, has identified socio-economic development as one of its main component areas. In this regard, one of its strategic areas of focus is to support partner efforts to work with communities to develop income generating and sustainable livelihood projects. Thus, today we are pleased to note that the R.E.A.P Women Entrepreneurship project, designed and being implemented in vulnerable communities targeted under our CRP, to provide entrepreneurship training and support to aspiring and existing entrepreneurs, is ideally positioned to advance the community renewal agenda, and importantly women economic empowerment. The targeting and empowerment of these 30 young women will enable them to become agents of change within their families and communities.
This is the kind of strategic approach that we here at the PIOJ encourage all our partners to pursue; and today we commend and present this NGO YWOP/YMOP, as a best practice in demonstrating how project or programme alignment can be achieved. Such alignment with the National Goals, Strategies and Policy imperatives of the Government, is how together we will achieve the National Vision to make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise, families and do business.’’ Well done YWOP/YMOP; so today we are happy to be partners with you in the roll out of this project and we look forward to the success that is to come.
Speech K Philips Launch CRP YWOP REACH Jan 29 2023