Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) Data 4 Development Online Monitoring Platform
Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) Data 4 Development Online Monitoring Platform
• Name of Platform: Data 4 Development Online Monitoring Platform
• Main Initiative: Planning Institute of Jamaica’s Data for Development Initiative
• URL:
• Main Features: The ”Data 4 Development” Online Monitoring Platform for Jamaica is a data centric platform that is plugged to an indicator-based data warehouse. The Jam Data database is a multi-sectoral database that contains key indicators with disaggregated data for multiple time periods. On the other hand, the indicators of the Vision 2030 Jamaica Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework managed in the DFA Monitoring platform can be appreciated based on their baseline and programmatic target, and their actual and planned annual values. There is a suite of data dissemination products available on the data portal, namely a list of statistical dashboards, the Vision 2030 Jamaica Monitoring Dashboard, the Data Visualiser, the Jam Data mobile app and the digital library/Online Resource Library. The Metadata Hub is at the heart of this product.
• Key Platform related results achieved since the “Advancing the SDGs through Vision 2030 Jamaica” project closed in 2021: The key objective of this platform is to bring together sector indicators in order to monitor Vision 2030 Jamaica, and provide indicative data on the SDGs, based on alignment with Vision 2030 Jamaica. The complexity of the indicator matrix for Vision 2030 Jamaica and national development broadly, requires that a tool is made available for citizens, academicians, decision makers and other stakeholders for them to better comprehend the reality of indicators (Metadata Hub), the progress of sectors (sectoral dashboards), while all this is being unpacked in the Vision 2030 Jamaica Monitoring Dashboard, which allows stakeholders to track the performance of National Outcome Indicators.
• Value of PIOJ’s co-investment: Since the UNDP provided significant start-up investment for creating the Platform, the PIOJ has been investing in it on a regular basis towards enhancing the offerings. The annual hosting, support, and maintenance as well as development of various data by-products (including local development dashboard, Data Visualiser, Digital library/Online Resource Library) has taken this data platform to a higher level. Excluding the fees for hosting the Platform, the PIOJ has invested an additional USD 93,391.00 since the initial investment of approximately USD 90,000.00. There are plans for additional investment and continued annual payments for site hosting and maintenance.
• Details on the extent to which the platform is being used and by which agencies: The site is live and so is open for public use while we continue to test and build-out towards a June 2023 launch.
• Details on Number and Name of dashboards – There are currently six publicly available dashboards, namely: JamData Dashboard, Vision 2030 Jamaica Monitoring Dashboard, Local Development Dashboard, Education Dashboard, Child Protection Dashboard, Road Safety Dashboard
o Capabilities & Type of data/information produced – The PIOJ team is fully capable to manage the database, and capacity building has been a deliverable in all contracts for upgrading/building-out the Platform. The PIOJ has developed various statistical dashboards – Education Dashboard, JamData Dashboard, Road Safety Dashboard, Child Protection Dashboard.
o Target audience – Policy Makers, Planners, Sector Specialists, M&E Practitioners, Researchers, Academics, Students, Decision Makers, Development Partners, Implementers, Citizens.