State of the Jamaican Climate (vol III): Information for Resilience Building – Summary for Policymakers

This report (SPM) is a summary of a much larger document entitled The State of the Jamaican Climate (Volume III): Information for Resilience Building
The State of the Jamaican Climate (SOJC) 2019 report is meant as a companion to several key reports produced within the last 10 years, including the 2012 State of the Jamaican Climate Report (CSGM 2012), the 2015 State of the Jamaican Climate Report (CSGM 2017), the State of the Caribbean Climate (CSGM 2020) and the Third National Communication on Climate Change (GOJ 2018).

This report does not replace the information in the latter two SOJC reports but rather builds on it through the incorporation of new knowledge generated since the publication of the above-mentioned referenced reports, and includes new sections. The SOJC SPM includes key takeaways from a new chapter in the full document on the establishment of a baseline of climate change impacts, where possible, for six priority sectors (Water, Health, Tourism,  Agriculture, Coastal Resources/Human Settlements and the Economy).